Thursday 25 April 2013

Patchwork travel Sewing Kit

More patchwork quilting again from me folks! I started this before my grunge paper sewing kit, which easily slips in your handbag , but this took a while to complete as rather a lot of hand sewing, It's approx A6 size and I made it for when I go on my next sewing workshop. Haven't booked one yet, but I like the idea of making a full blown quilt, but rather daunted by the size and accuracy required so need the guidance of a workshop, which my local, BeeCrafty have some great ones to choose from .

I followed this great little tutorial here from and adapted it a bit as the scissors kept falling out. The holder looks a bit like a plant pot now FLOB-ADOB!!!

Thanks for taking the time to leave all your lovely comments they are really appreciated & sorry if I'm rather behind in commenting, there are never enough hours in the day for us crafters.

Think we'll need our thermals again by the end of the week, not good as I've only just stashed away my hot water bottle, but any excuse to stay in a do a spot of crafting.

Have a Great Day XX


  1. What a great make and very useful! To me your patchwork looks so perfect already, - but I guess we never stop learning....

  2. Meine Güte, Paula...
    wieder so eine schöne Tasche für Utensilien.
    Wie sauber du das nähst und wie genau.
    Ich stelle mir das sehr schwierig vor. Man braucht sicher sehr viel Zeit, um so ein kleines Kunstwerk herzustellen.
    Ich bin verliebt in deine großartigen Arbeiten.

    Umarmung und liebe sonnige Grüße
    von Sophie xx

  3. What a great idea! I love to see your sewing projects Paula and this is another beautiful example of your clever stitchwork and imaginative mind. The colours and fabrics are beautiful and it's a wonderful piece of work. Love it! Chris xxx

  4. I think you should apply for next Sewing Bee on BBC, this is fabulous as always :) Big hugs xxx

  5. Beautiful little kit Paula. I love to see all your sewing projects. Love your plant pot holder for the scissors too ! Sue C x

  6. So lovely, sweet and practical-
    a beautiful sewing kit to bring with you dear Paula, and I love your patchwork!!
    Hugs from Dorthe

  7. Such neat and perfect work Paula - this is a visual and tactile treat. I've been looking back over some of your posts - all your creations are totally beautiful. Seems to me that you would absolutely rock a full blown quilt! Nicola x

  8. Cool. Love the fabric design and the clever little pockets. A very useful travel kit holder.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  9. I love this Paula and am so envious of your sewing skills. Someone recommended a 1 day course for me entitled "Make a Friend of your sewing machine" - sounds about right for me, I'm so scared of mine LOL.

  10. What a delicious creation... the fabric is so pretty, and I love all the internal pockets and flaps!
    Alison x

  11. Amazing Paula you will adore getting your teeth into making a quilt it is very satisfying when completed.

    Hugs Shirley x x

  12. This is so amazingly beautiful, wow. Fantastic creation! Valerie


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment. I appreciate each and everyone. xx