Sunday 24 June 2012

Travellers pouch for Calico Crafts

This is a sneak peak of my first Guest DT project for Calico Crafts. If you would like to see the the full project and items used please pop over to their blog here and it would be lovely if you would leave a comment (thank you :-D )

Back from our mini break and we did catch a glimpse of the sun, but it has been a real shocker of a summer so far hasn't it and thinking of all those up North suffering from flooding? 

Just thought I would show you that the sun did actually come out in Paignton

And the very gorgeous Cockington Village (It was virtually deserted here, and one of my fave places to visit!)

Had to take some pics of the Dartmoor ponies

This is Grimspound a pre-historic settlement on the moor

You'll be pleased to know I can't bore you with anymore holiday snaps as blogger says I have reached my storage limit?? So will have to go and check that out.

Now I will have to catch up on my crafting and blog hopping as I've been out of craft mode for the last week.

Take care and Happy Crafting xx


  1. welcome back. beautiful and delicate.EE

  2. Gorgeous creation as always Paula and glad to hear you had a good time on your break.
    I really love that area too and have been down there quite a lot. Also glad you had some sunshine.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Lovely to see you pictures and not boring at all love that part of the world and miss it. Your purse is beautiful so pretty and feminine. Been over to Calico and left a comment.


  4. Stunning project as always and beautiful pictures!!! Glad you got some sun and welcome back!

  5. Glad you had a good time. How cool are those beach huts!

  6. Hi Paula,
    Welcome back! Your holiday pics are fantastic, glad you had some sun and warmer weather. We are having the same weather here in Vancouver. We'll be heading over to Paris soon, looks like I will be packing winter clothes :(
    Anyway, love the travel pouch, I'll pop over to Calico craft to have a better look. Have a great week.

  7. Dear Paula, your pouch is sp beautiful, with the stamped calico, and the most lovely heart you created in front of the closure!
    Love the stunning photoes from your tour.
    Hugs Dorthe

  8. Beautiful pouch and lovely piccies - woo hooo to the sun, I say! ;)) xx

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. fabulous photos Paula. So pleased you got a bit of sun. I remember it well, the big yellow ball in the sky that spreads warmth and heat and cheer for a few days a year.Is there anyway of contacting you besides publicly?

  11. Beautiful pouch and photos. Glad you had a great time. Annette x

  12. Beautiful pouch and love your photos, especially the beach huts! Love them. A x

  13. Sounds like you had a fun time Paula photo's are fabulous hope you feel refreshed.

    Clever idea for a travellers pouch and apart from looking so gorgeous I am sure it will be very useful.

    Hugs Shirley x x

  14. So fantastic and thanks for sharing the beautiful photos.

  15. Hi Paula. Pleased to hear you had a good time. Fab photos. Beautiful pouch.
    Regards Florence x

  16. Just popped over to Calico Crafts Paula. The front of the pouch is gorgeous.
    Florence x


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