Wednesday 4 April 2012

Sneak Peak of Klimt ~ Craftstamper

Hiya I know we needed some rain, but I hope it clears soon as I dislike dreary dark weather, not good for crafting LOL. This is a sneak peak of the current article in craft stamper, which I used Cherry pie Klimt stamps.

Have a lovely day and I hope the weather is not too bad for my blogging friends up North.

Happy Crafting xx


  1. Congrats to be in CS again Paula, a stunning project!!

  2. Hi Paula. Now you are just teasing us. Hope to see the finished project at some point. The lid looks stunning.
    Regards Florence xx

  3. Paula
    Again, congratulations on your latest article. Trust me to have cancelled my subscription to CS when you are now a contributor - most definitely bad timing on my part.
    Beautiful projects, both of them.

  4. Oh its gorgeous Paula. Your work always is so beautiful.
    Hope you are having a fabulous week and congrats on being published
    hugs June xxx

  5. Ah, is that you? I loved that article, the colouring is awesome!

  6. Darn it I cancelled my subsciption to CS, had I known you were now on the team I definitely wouldn't have. Loving your beautiful lid, fab work. Annette x

  7. I saw the article in CS and love it. You must have taken ages to colour it in - worth it for such a beautiful result though - stunning.

  8. Congrats on being published. Your sneak peek looks fabulous, great image and coloring.

  9. Beautiful work :) I have seen it in Craft Stamper :)


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